Washington, DC – On Wednesday, Congressman Bob Gibbs (OH-07) announced his retirement at the end of the 117th Congress and released the following statement: “I have had the honor of serving the people of Ohio’s 18th, then 7th Congressional District since 2011. In that time, I helped reform federal water resources project policy, made clean

In The News
Lakeville, Ohio – Congressman Bob Gibbs, candidate for Ohio’s Seventh Congressional District, announced the support and endorsement of Wayne County Commissioner Ron Amstutz today. In announcing the endorsement, Commissioner Amstutz said: “I’ve known Bob for many years, and served with him in the statehouse. He has always been a steadfast partner in advancing conservative policies
Lakeville, Ohio – Congressman Bob Gibbs, candidate for Ohio’s Seventh Congressional District, announced the support and endorsement of State Senator Mark Romanchuk, who currently represents Medina County in the State Senate. In announcing the endorsement, State Senator Romanchuk said: “I have been fortunate to work with Bob Gibbs on a wide range of issues over
Washington DC – Congressman Bob Gibbs, in announcing his campaign to run for re-election in Congress, released the following statement: “Republicans have a historic opportunity to secure and protect the future of America. With Joe Biden and the socialist squad’s rampant spending, out-of-control inflation, and government mandates, future generations of Americans are at risk of